31 Oct 2007

Mega... king of darkness

a sweet shot of Mega in the latest STAB mag. the shot was by the amazing D. Hump

29 Oct 2007

We can Shape anything campaign...


we have a new advert coming out in waves next month...

25 Oct 2007

Angie has some new footage

Ange has been on our boards for a couple years. she is from NZ and has a couple titles over there. She is studying here at uni...

22 Oct 2007

18 Oct 2007

Alex Swadling reporting from bali

hi the surf has been pumping at ulus 8 foot on the main peak 6+ through racetracks we been surfing 7 hours a day 40 people in the water cross shore winds ,we meat up with the wright family and have been surfing with them for the last 4 days so that been unreal it makes you really push your limints we have our last day tomorrow so were getting up early down to racetracks only 3 min drive from padang not looking forward to comming home ,my boards 5-11 and 5-10 have been unreal handling all surf conditions from ulus,balangan,kermas,chunggu,and not a crease in anythink so back to the beach breaks of coffs harbour so last report from bali tomorrow see u alex swadling

15 Oct 2007

Alex Swadling reporting from bali

hi the surfs been a bit small the last few days and ive been sick the photo was taken at ulus 3 days ago we going to kermas in the morning 6am as the winds have been light and the swell is starting to rise late today so we may have some new photos the photo was of my 5,11 sprint rounded pintail that works unreal on the shallow racetracts sections i had lots of barrells this day so now that iam back online talk to latter alex swadling

no rest for the wicked

nights are filled with dinners and drinks... wish my family were here to join in!

Small surf but its nice

Fin little 2 footers at Tebiro this morning, it lacked power as most reefbreaks do when its small. its on the rise so we should be in for a couple good sessions soon. it was perfect little waves for a Twinnie. the crowd was up a little today as everyone tends to have monday and tuesday off. a lot of people work afternoons and nights in resturants.

14 Oct 2007

surely see the sea shells by the sea shore

this was a 100 metre walk worth of nice shells.... my little girls would have loved it here!



R & R cont...

marine life are abundant with big snapper nibbling your feet as you swim... my Wife would love to see the variety of fish that were all the rainbow of colors.

relax & recover day

a Nice day to relax and chill at the reef... no surf so a snorkel was called for.

13 Oct 2007

wedding reception

3rd costume change...

wedding cont...

2nd costume change, but this time its at the reception.

Beach wedding cont..

A very nice Hot Sunny day. the sun is a little milder here than in oz as we didnt get sunburnt at all.

beach wedding

Yukie & Nari's wedding was on the beach at Bashayama

Yukie's Getting married

Our ex staff Japanese Agent Wedding is on today in a remote Island in Japan. Yukie worked with us for approx 3 years taking care of all our japanese customers!

12 Oct 2007


Worktime? Well maybe for some... There is so much flotsam & jetsam washed up on the beach after each swell. I have started to pick up a bag full each time i come back from the beach, maybe every little bit helps to make a difference. You never know it might catch on and be a cool thing to do. i spoke to Yukie & Nari about it, they had already arranged for many of their wedding guests to join in on a clean the beach morning just close to their house!

am surf check

Friday and Saturdays forecast is for the smallest swell, and this is Fridays offering... this wave would be approximately 50cm from top to bottom. Amazingly beautiful morning to have a swim and walk on the beach!

dinner time

Dinner time withe Green Hill crew is a mixed bag of mostly natives and a couple westerners. the food is great even if your not sure what your eating!


Still at the shops. i met back up with Yukie and her sisters loading up on accesories for Yukie and Nari's wedding on saturday

11 Oct 2007

Beer time!

Interesting beer here. This one is a vintage brew from 1992. the staff said it wasnt quite ready and needed to wait 2 more years to pop that one!

a shot of culture

I went for a stroll thru the main shopping area as you do when you travel, i found a few interesting things. lots and lots of stuff my little girls at home would love, like Hello Kitty and Ampanman. But the most fun i had was finding a gunshop in the main street full of replicas. they all shot BB pellets. There was fully automatics and semi autos, ak47's and western style pistols. i showed some interest to the friendly shop owner and he gassed a Beretta and filled the magazine up and handed it over to me pointing out a target on the back wall of the shop. Of course i obliged and empty the thing! Insane stuff but i was getting thirsty...

noodle lunch

Ramen for lunch with Yukie after i picked up a new digicam $200 cheaper than in oz!

The swell i missed

They always say you should have been here last week... well its true for me again! the typhoon that went thru here last week was epic. i managed to get a photo off the local boys to show what it was like 2 days before i got here.

10 Oct 2007

Japan South Islands Surf report

well first Day in Japan... Yukei picked me up at the airport and we went straight to surf. well i have a new record! I surfed japan the biggest ive ever had it 3-4 sets! it was at a break that i cant pronounce the name. it kind of broke like a left hand fingal causeway but on reef and rock. When the tide got high the backwash made it a bitch to get on to the waves which had lots of potential but not today as it got more sideshore the longer we stayed out. we then had to do a fun little scramble up a rockface between sets as the tide had come in far enough to be no beach left... just concrete and rocks. you had to time it so that you could scramble up around 6 feet before the next set came. i would love to post pics but my every trusty digicam is not so evertrusty anymore... it seems to have water inside the waterproof part! i will see what i can do about it over the next couple days. i think it ran out of warranty last week dammit! the house im staying at has a card reader so maybe i can get images off that that i shot before it went to poo. the water is 25 degrees and the air is 28 so its just like being in Bali! check back for more riveting action toomorow...

9 Oct 2007

Alex Swadling reporting from bali

today the waves are aronud the 2 to 3 foot mark not much swell for the reefs this moring. yestday arvo the waves where pumping at ulus it was 4 to 5 foot on the low tide. The inside waves at racetracks where going off it was the best surf i have had out there. There was 60 people out at 1 stage but i still got some sick waves. my 5 11 diverse went so well. this morning we surf changgu it was fun but it was small. photo at changgu on my 5 11 diverse. Alex Swadling reporting from bali.

8 Oct 2007

Packed and Stacked

Well Im off to japan for 10 days of Typhoon season! by all reports it should be pumping... i have my Quads all oiled and greased ready to roll!
i will keep you posted.

7 Oct 2007

Alex Swadling reporting from bali

the swell has dropped off a bit today around the 2to 3 foot mark,we left really early for kermas and we took a short cut through dempasar and got lost so we arrived around 7am only 4 locals in the water. We all went out and doubled the crowed to 7 surfed till 11am.i surfed my diverse 5 11 sprint model. The tide was running out fast and it worked unreal on the shallow rights. I had so much speed i could take off way inside and make long sections easy that board is so fast, at 3pm were going out to ulus as the wind has come up offshore so it will be good. talk later Alex Swadling from bali

6 Oct 2007

diverse in bali part 1, dale richards, mega, feral dave...

heyo a liitle bit of surfing action from bali...more to follow...enjoy..rj :) thanks to baliwaves.com

Alex reporting in bali

The Surf has picked up a bit today to 2 to 5 foot waves at canggu... its has been the best but with a lot of people out

photo at canggu on my 5'11" sprint model Diverse

alex swadling

5 Oct 2007

Alex Swadling reporting from Bali

Hey, its Alex Reporting from Bali. The waves have been good for the last 4 days with 4 to 5 foot swell @ Cunggu, Uluwatu, Balangan have all been good. this photo is at Ulu's inside at Racetracks. My Diverse Sprint shape is going really good in all the conditions I have been in here. Its so good to be surfing without a wetsuit too!

4 Oct 2007

Smokin' New Art

Teena's No smoking art this week...PA040039

2 Oct 2007

hi guys im dru

i like to ride daves boards. i have done for a real long time. im learning how to use this blog.

new jet pilot advert


Dru is Featured in a new Jetpilot advert in December Tracks!