30 Dec 2007

kirra tow ins...

nice to see swell! looking forward to the next couple days as it settles and cleans up... make sure you come in and test drive a board while theres good waves around!

kirra tow ins...

happy times to all out there...heres whats happening at kirra today...wish i got a ski for xmas...rj out...

25 Dec 2007

alex swadling video

new video of me surfing at diggers.in december.

alex reporting from coffs

hi dave merry christmas to you and your family and pj,jamie we had a good time on the gold coast the surf was ok. thanks for fixing dads board it fell off the roof of the motorhome.were leaving today for curl curl,for the ocean@earth teenage rampage after that were driving around the south coast surfing and camping untill we arrive at bells for the kustom cadet cup and my first pro junior at bells beach so ill let you know how it goes and send some new photos of surf on the way so my boards a waxed and ready cant wait, so have a happy new year alex swadling

24 Dec 2007

Jaidens new video

Hey Dave and crew, heres some footage from this year at the last state titles where i placed 5th

22 Dec 2007

Staff Smiles with new boards


Heres our shop manager Jamie and retail cohort RJ with their nice shiny new Christmas boards.

17 Dec 2007

more sweet Quad stock

16 Dec 2007

alex reporting from coffs


hi dave the surf has been pumping all week with this easterly swell,we had 6 + foot lefts and rights all week ,the new 5.11 sprint been powering,we getting ready to leave coffs for the ripcurl gromsearch at d bah ,on the way up we check out a few spots. so i see you latter today or tomorrow so talk to alex swadling

15 Dec 2007

Happy Quad customers...

Dave- got the board last Friday. it is Great- thanks a lot.
 Man it is quick. Got it out in good waves today and ive never been so fast in all my life! hacked out a big cutback and did not lose a bit of speed. i love it. thanks a lot  Best regards. Cameron

13 Dec 2007

Quads for Christmas!



Here are some of the amazing Christmas presents waiting for collection at the Diverse Store at Tugun!

11 Dec 2007

alex swadling reporting from coffs harbour

hi dave,the swell came up for a few days,and the surf was pumping.we had our last sawtell boardriders for the year,,in 6 foot + easterly swell at sawtell in the u16 ipicked up two bomb waves scoring a 9 and 8 so i won the under 16. in the opens i wasent a lucky with the waves. but it was still close, tommy 1st and me 3rd. so i was pretty happy with my surfing.my new 5-11 went geat in the bigger surf

3 Dec 2007

sunpatch christmas party

hi dave we had the sunpatch christmas party on saturday night at the bowling alley. There were 30 of us and we all had to dress up as pirates or princess the photo is of me tommy,and mark and his baby. We bowled and eat until 11.00 pm that was when i went home.The surf has been ok in the mornings small but good shape.my training at martin dunn went great he showed us a lot of small adjustments with turns and airs. So it was great to attend. We talked to ben whos injured at the moment. My new boards go great i think having the nose narrower and the wigth less has made the board very lose.On my backhand it turns up much more vert. The ds7 is working out great. talk later alex swadling

2 Dec 2007

Amee pulls 2nd place at the Roxy Pro Hawaii

Part time Diverse team rider Amee Donahue, has moved up to 5th position on the ASP world tour ratings. She is in a great position to win her 2nd triple crown too! Go Hard...