18 Apr 2009

Once in a lifetime mad stimulation package sale!

you will kick yourself if you miss this one.. old Ruddy has convinced us that its time to spend your money on good quality Australian made products... We are doing our best to pass on the deals to you for a couple weeks only, we present the STIMULATION PACKAGE SALE... 2 Custom boards for $1100 bucks! call the shop on 07 5598 4848 or call in and set your self on fire!

7 Apr 2009

Cheers for the Quad Dave...

Hi Dave,
 Thanx for building this great board.. In the usualy small and gutless surf here in the Netherlands this puppy just goes sweet! I bought it last october after I've had testdriven a DQ6 and a DK6. Frank from CellBlock in Utrecht pretty much challenged me into trying one. He figured I would get 20% more waves and way more fun than on my standard shortboard(6'2 18-1/2 2-1/2) in the dutch surf. Too bad he was wrong.. I actually get almost 50% more waves and heaps more fun than ever imagined just by changing boards.. so it's working out realy well. While testing I found the DQ to responded better to the smaller wave conditions than the DK which needs more steepness on the face to accelerate. The DQ allows you to catch a wave early and setup a good line down the face and accelerate smoothly. All in all heaps of fun in a tiny package :-)
 Carlo Kuip
Board#8247 DQ7