21 June 2009

Fwd: cheers dave

Begin forwarded message:
From: Robby Wales
Date: 21 June 2009 7:43:22 PM
To: feral dave <dave@diversesurf.com.au>
Subject: cheers dave

Hey Dave,

I bought a 6'2 shorty from you a while ago and finally was able to ride it in Bali a week or so ago. So happy with it, I wouldn't have wanted to ride anything else that day. Some 2-3 ft sliders at ulus was super fun. Had to send you a pic. I'll be in your shop in the next few weeks to try get my hands on one of your DK Kwads.


Robby Wales

20 June 2009

Feedback re: DK Quad stock in bali shops

Hey Dave,
Thanks for the tip, I took the chance and went to Bali yesterday. In
the Toke Shop, I found exactly the board I had ordered from you: 6'3
DK quadfin. Had my first session at Halfway this morning and the board
is just perfect!
Gotta go back to Jakarta tonight, but that one-day board shopping and
surfing trip to Bali was just worth it!
Thanks again,
Sampai jumpa.

------ End of Forwarded Message

16 June 2009

Bali Stock instores now....

Our Bali stores are stocked with some Mullets and Quads ... check here to see the locations

11 June 2009

Fish Fry Japan Video

this great Video of some of the fish fry action in Japan is by Shunsuke Suzuki of studiopippen.blogspot.com

More pics here....


7 June 2009

the japan fish fry 2009

well then... not many Diverse boards in front of the tent huh. they are all out on demo. we had a great day and it was really good to see how many people loved quality workmanship.

4 June 2009
