26 Nov 2009

Customer feed back is welcome...

this is not Wayne.. this is another happy guy with fresh custom off to Peru...

Surfed new ten foot Longboard at Wilsons on Sunday morning, strong north swell 3 to 4 foot right handers peeling towards corner on a funny angle real glassy and fun. At the time I was wondering how this board would go anyway It picked up the outer sets real fine and the board has control and speed on bottom turns pushes off possible the square tail. I quickly found that the extra thickness allowed stepping or walking about and pulling the board around left go right easy. I used the fin you supplied and will continue to use on this model thanks again I would also like to give the swallow mullet 7ft 10 ago maybe just a tad thicker when I get cashed up again.

PS: Some locals commented on the Longboard shape showed interest.

All the best
Pete Le Breton

And Another one...

G'day Jamie,

Just got a call from Wayne with some feed back on the board:

"It's a f&cken ripper mate, happy as a pig in shit I am.....best glass job
I've ever seen, love the Diverse logo and the fish graphic....."

One of the strangest customers we've had, but you guys have made him very
happy indeed, much appreciated.

Thanks! (Wes,Vic Diverse Retailer)

18 Nov 2009

Chrismas eggs?

Heres a little taste of a couple new eggs lineing to make smiles on some lucky customers face.. the "style Commander" taking over a break near you!

12 Nov 2009

Fun Little Waves today....

Here is some nice pics of Chris on his Sprint model at the Tweed Coast this morning...
Great pics by dan@oceanartwork.com

10 Nov 2009



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